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49 years ago.



The year was 1972. Magnavox had just put something on the market the world had never seen before: a video game console, The Magnavox Odyssey. I am lucky enough to have one of these things. It had been sitting in the corner of my room collecting dust though. While I was going through the files of my computer, I came across the instructions for a one-player game I never used. I tested the game with the instructions. They needed tweaking so I tweaked the instructions. But the story begged the question. What was happening? Then an idea hit me.


I decided to make a whole bunch of minigames with a story line to connect them all. And I want it to take about a year to work on this. Thus, I will have a grand Odyssey project all ready for its 50th (!) anniversary. The console needs 6 C batteries. I thought it was 4 D for some reason. But it works just fine with 6 Cs. So begins yet another grand project. Like I needed one.


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