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So we broke the all time hottest record here. Last time I looked yesterday before I went to sleep it was 112. A few hours ago, it was 117. Since then it's cooled to 115. Today I've been angrily and busily working on my game. I discovered something that will work and so I've completed "Bomber Pilot."


It is a port of the old game where you bomb boxes and make sure you don't hit them so you need to clear them away by bombing them by dropping bombs on them. This has 4 levels of varying degrees of difficulty. Level 4 loops if you manage to beat it.


I have decided that the game I wanted to do which was similar to Alien Greed 6 I don't want to do. But I do have an idea for a thrid game. Hopefully I can fit all this in 4k, which is my goal. I have 1,161 bytes left. The third game is an idea I had before. I have a giant mouth and vegetables and candy coming towards it. The idea is to open the mouth by pressing fire and closing it when the fire button isn't pressed. You let the candy in the mouth and the veggies out. I will attempt to do this on the Atari 2600. I have attempted this on the Channel F and Game Gear, so I'm hoping for similar luck on the Atari 2600.

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