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Burger work.



I worked a whole bunch on my new project yesterday and today. I added title screen music, and also the beginnings of the game. Since I added in pizzas shooting pepperoni slices and tacos shooting nachos, I had to redesign the milkshake so I could streamline the enemy displaying code better. The enemy shooting is also random. Sometimes it shoots once, sometimes twice, sometimes it doesn't shoot at all.


The in-game stuff has the title screen for a background since I haven't made a background for it yet. I also added in the ability for the burger to shoot French fries. I also made it so holding down the button does not make mulitple shots. The old milkshake was 16x24. This new one is 16x16. I could have made the pizza slice and taco 16x24 to match, but they looked so good being 16x16 that I didn't want to.


Next I want to try my collision detection code idea I had to try to make it better. The Game Gear has collision detection, but it acts weird and so the people on smspower.org advised me not to use it. I had to go to Applebee's yesterday, and their commercials showed all this icky greasy food (like burgers), so I was afraid I might choke on the food. I thought the least likely food I would choke on is fried stuff. Luckily, they had fish & chips so I got that. I didn't choke at all. I also prepared by taking my Pepcid before I went. I usually take it before I go to bed, but when I got home, I went to sleep anyway, so it turned out rather nice. Whenever an Applebee's ad shows up, I mute it and jokingly say "Oh, 'Cheers' is on" (or 'Welcome Back, Kotter'). I sat next to a booth with a TV up. But it was showing a boring baseball game (is there such a thing as an exciting baseball game?) I thought it weird to see a Wendy's ad on a TV in an Applebee's.


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