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Jack again



So I worked a bunch on Jack and the Beanstalk last night and earlier today. I tried to plan ahead by moving the stalk data around and shortening it, removing the unnecessary 000h's.


I made the bird bigger. I think it makes the game harder. I also added a beak for him. I know black birds have black beaks, but this one doesn't. Or perhaps I should change his color? I discovered that one could pass a lot of stalk by simply falling, so I had to cut that part out and redesign the stalk.


When you're going down the stalk after defeating the giant (I know, I plan way ahead) I made some code that if you get off the stalk, you'll fall up instead of down. The reason is because if you didn't, you could just fall right down without even being on the stalk. So I guess I'll have to make part of the story to make the Giant turn on his giant vacuum cleaner because he was too lazy to climb down the stalk.


I discovered I have a bump in my left ear canal. I'm wondering if I should try to pop it with a needle to see what would happen. I sometimes get bumps on my leg, but in my ear is a new place. It makes me tired and it hurts sometimes. I have a doctor appointment for something else later this month, so I'll be sure to mention it to him if it doesn't go away.


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