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This is Jack.



I worked on the title screen. Instead of it just saying "JACK", I now have Jack on the screen with the ground and a nice blue sky above.


When you press fire, he walks to the right side of the screen and ends up at the beanstalk to begin your game. If Odyssey 2 could make different colors for the grid, I would have made a nice violet house for him to come out of. But it can't so I didn't.


I redesigned the beak so the bird looks good going from either direction.


It is the same beak going either direction. I cheated in a way, I didn't have to draw two separate beaks, one facing left and one facing right. I wonder how many screens tall the stalk can be. I put in an "align 256" statement before, so theorically, subtracting the code drawing the stalk grid, about 200. But should I put in 200? Probably not. I got my hair cut, so I am ready for the 100+ degree heat wave they're predicting for later this week. Bring the heat on, LOL.


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