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Jack has gone batty.



So I worked on making another enemy. At first I wanted the enemy to be another bird, but it was clear it is impossible to draw a bird using only 64 pixels and one color in an 8x8 sprite and make it look like a bird. So I drew a bat. Actually, I took the bat from my Count's Castle game, changed it a little, and put it in.


Like about half the time, though, the bats overlap each other. It gets me really annoyed when it does that. More proof computers have minds they use to annoy us.

So there. I like suggestions, but this one was a pain to try shoehorning in. So what's left to do for level 1 is draw some more of the beanstalk for Jack to climb up. And I have to go to the post office soon because I put some stuff for sale in the AA Marketplace. Stuff that was just laying around collecting dust. So I decided to try and sell some of it. And it got to 100 degrees today.


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