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August 19 happenings.



Most of today was spent sleeping. I went to sleep at around 7 a.m. Didn't get up until at least 8 p.m. Then I worked a little bit on Jack and the Beanstalk, making the code simpler. The only thing I added were stairs on the second floor of the castle, which are to lead to the third floor. I think the total number of rooms I'll have in the castle is 56.


I first thought the way the code to hide the key would work would be to get a random number to get a room number and put it in there. But then I thought the floor concept would ruin that, so now I will do it by picking a floor number at random and a room number at random. Only one collision check would be needed to check if Jack touched the key (sprite 2), and if he did, it would "unlock" the giant's room on the fifth floor. Defeating the giant would then "unlock" a way out of the castle. Only one collision check would be needed to check if Jack touched the way out (sprite 3).


But there is a problem to all this. I don't want the game to be too short or too long. A classic example of short vs. long is Super Mario Bros. 3. Without a save battery, it just takes way too long to beat Bowser in just one sitting, even if you use two warp whistles. I don't want to frustrate players by making them play the game for hours on end, especially when turning off the game console means having to start all over again.


I am going to take a bit of a break programming the game so I don't get too burned out. I think I have been working on it every day since its inception. And when I come back, I'll design and put in the third and fourth floors.


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