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Beautiful burgers



It's not even half way through morning and I've spent about 90 minutes today trying to beautify my Game Gear game. For it being a color portable, it sure doesn't have that many games. Game Boy has the better library IMHO, even though it's in black and white. Anyway, I made it so when I turn the screen off it is black instead of a reddish purple. I also made the nachos and pepperoni slices behave like homing missiles, following you and moving left at the same time. The onion rings don't do this, they still just shoot straight ahead. I also tried to make the screen for level 1 better.


The blue here I think is perfect. You can see all the onion rings, nachos and pepperoni slices.


I had to get up at 2 a.m. after going to sleep at about 8 p.m. because when I tried closing my eyes again I saw a yellow ring. So I got up and worked.



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