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Jack and the beanstalk - testing (part 3)



Trying to fix some rather mean vicious bugs in JatB. I think it has to do with the way I set up bankswitching. I tested it myself and I think I found out what the problem was and I hope I fixed it. What I did was change the level number for down the beanstalk checking from 4 to 5 like it should be. At least I think I fixed the bug where it sends you to a place off the vine if a bat hits you. I foumd a bug pertaining to the down movement of the castle, when you go down into a new room and are touching the right or left wall, it moves you up until you aren't touching it any more. But since this doesn't make you stuck in the wall, and I have no idea how to fix it, I'll have to let it be this way.


I'm hoping this can be finished one day so I can release it. Meanwhile I have begun work on my comics nobody reads again. Something else to pass the time until I die. I also re-invented the wacky calendar. This will be a monthly thing on my blog where I post a wacky calendar for that month. What inspired me was this old magazine the cable channel Nickelodeon made and in it there was a thing similar to what I'm working on. Right now I'm ready to work on October 13.


This is an example of my comic and drawing style. Expect stuff like this on my wacky calendar for October 2021.


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