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New modem time



I lost my internet last night. This morning, I checked to see if the phone line I plugged it into was working. I got out my Mario Kart phone and I got a dial tone. So something must have been wrong with the modem, although I don't know what. A surprise for me was seeing the UPS man drive up with my new modem. So I took it out of the box and followed all the instructions and I think I have it working now. I also made sure our other computer got the internet as well. This new modem has lots of blinking on its lights, I don't know what that's all about. The one that troubles me most is the flashing light that says "internet" underneath it. But I know the phone jack works because like I said I tested it with a phone and it works.


So yeah, it's been a stressful morning, not having the internet, then trying to access the internet with a new modem, and then having the new modem flash its internet light at me. Oh well. I guess it works.


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