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Tunnels of Terror - Sep. 23, 2021



Work continues. Last night and this morning I put in the first enemy. I also got the score working and enemies can be shot at by your ship. This is what the first enemy looks like


I cut off the tip of two different characters to get that weird looking green/pink ship. I know that in Turmoil there are different types of enemies that do different things. I will try to incorporate that into the game as well. With scores, and high score checking, and title screen drawing and ingame drawing and ship movements and enemy ship movements in, it leaves me with around 700 bytes to work with. So I will quit for now because I'm really sleepy.


Also, I want to have the enemies move faster as you score more points and have the grid color change when you reach a new stage. A funny bug I was able to fix was if your rocket crashes head on with the ship, it acts like you hit the ship and the game doesn't end. This is because the laser is hidden under the ship. So I made the laser a little shorter to fix that. I will probably make the scoring similar to Turmoil. Right now it's 1 point for each ship shot, but I can change the amount of points easily with each ship type (if the computer will let me). Keeping in the tradition of Odyssey² games, this will be a "one hit and done" game. Part of the reason for this is I have nowhere to put in the lfe counter.


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