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Have you ever had something itch, but when you try to scratch it it hurts? That's what I'm struggling with right now. My left ankle itches. But if I try to scratch it it hurts. With that, I still managed to work on Tunnels of Terror this morning. Here's what I added:

  • Made the enemies faster once you get to a certain wave. Right now it's set at wave 2, just for testing, but I don't know what to set it at.
  • Well, MOST of the enemies go faster. The one that shoots at you doesn't because if I sped that one up, its missile is almost at the center of the screen it goes so fast. So I decided to not speed that one up.
  • Fixed a few graphic bugs.
  • Added a new "hit enemy" noise. I thought that needed a sound, so I put one in there. It sounds a lot different on O2EM, sounds more like a computery sound than more of an explosion on a real Odyssey².


Things I want to do:

  • Add in new enemies at different waves. Like at wave 3, introduce a new enemy type, and again at wave 5, and again at wave 7.
  • Add in a "game over" sound.


I think I have enough room to do those things, but the problem lies in making it fit just right, like a jigsaw puzzle. Making sure no code spills over a 256-byte page boundary. What's good is that I think adding "align 256" starts a new page whenever the urge strikes you to put in a new page. I've been getting up at around 9 a.m. and going to bed at around 7 p.m. (and finally getting to sleep after 9 p.m.) I know I don't need 12 hours of sleep, but if I get less, I get sleepy when I wake up. Oh well. Life is stupid, then you die. I'm just waiting for the "die" part to happen. I figure another 40 years ought to do it.


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