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2600 Hamburgers - level 2



Successfully added level 2.


I don't know how, but the onion ring lost its ordinary color. So I added it back in. I did the hard part of designing it last night from my insomnia. I finally went to sleep at about 1 a.m. Woke up and then finished it. And then I tried level 1. I screwed up level 1's cleanness, so I had to work on making the lines straightened. I completed that. I doubt I can add the chicken nuggets in. My sights are set on making this have enough levels to be interesting and be 4k as well. Perhaps if I add a feature that gives you a new life when you complete a level, that would be enough incentive to keep going. So now that I have two levels in, I need to work on adding the levels changing code. That will be put in tomorrow. I don't feel very good.


I don't know if I should redesign the number 1 in the score. I mean, it doesn't look like it "fits in" with the rest of the numbers. Or perhaps it's just me that feels that way. I also have to figure out what constitutes "a level." Some games have it if you shoot a certain number. In the NES version, it's making 50 appear and not neccesarily shooting them. The caves look like chocolate. Perhaps I should theme the level names. Level 1 could be called "The Big Rock Candy Mountains" and level 2 could be called "Chocolate Caves." It just started raining, which is weird because the sun is also shining.


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