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I have decided to give up on Flying Hamburger. I just can't get it correct. So I decided to come back to my comics. I drew some. I doubt anyone looks at my comics webpage where I have resumed posting comics on. But like I said before, I'm trying to find stuff to do so I'm not bored. I found a new way of coloring it though.


I draw the comics with a mechanical pencil, scan them, and then I used to convert them to two colors. But now I converted them to three colors, and made two of the gray shades black. Then I convert it back from Indexed to RGB and color them in. Then I convert them back to Indexed so they are less space. I thought I had until tomorrow before my comics ran out, but now I have until 10/21 to make some new ones.


An example of my most recent work:



I have been keeping my bedroom window open because if I don't it gets hot really quick in here. With our 60-degree or so weather, it really helps and I don't get as hot. Last year I had a stretch from October 2020 to April 2021 where I had a comic up every day. It was really hard and I wonder how the pros are able to come up with a new comic each and every day, especially if you limit your characters to just a simple cast (like, say, "Garfield.") With the Far-Side-like thing I am doing, I feel like I can use all my jokes and stupid puns I come up with because I'm not restricted to certain characters and how they act and behave. One day, I can have a guy that gets really annoyed, and another day I can have a lonely giraffe.


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