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Internet again



So some guy from the phone company came. Not only did the internet go out, but the phone went out as well. He spent a couple of hours working outside and then he came inside. He went in my room he went in the den. He finally came to a conclusion. The phone line had shorted out. That was why we kept having intermittent internet outages. So to fix it he drilled a hole in the wall and put some wire through to my phone jack in my room and a few minutes later, I plugged in the modem and I had internet again. Hopefully THIS TIME will solve it for good and I can go back to surfing the internet without any problems. But if for some reason I disappear and vanish, you can blame my internet connection. Or I dropped dead for some unknown reason.


There's still one odd thing: I can't find the remote for the cable box. In all this fussing around about wires, I had to unplug the TV. I plugged it back in, plugged the VCR/DVD player back in and I realized the remote was missing. I have found the remote just now while typing this. It was in the living room. I must have hauled it off while that guy was here. Now all I have to do is wait until the Intellivision System III arrives...


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