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I play me: GoSub (Odyssey²)



Welcome to the first of a new blog series in which I go back a long time ago and play the old games I have made. I went way back in the archives and played CR-002: GoSub. It was released 9 years ago. That's almost a decade! How time flies, huh?


I played this on an emulator. The game has 20 levels. And I beat all of them. It's a great little game, albeit tough at times. I thought I was going to die at level 7 after I tried twice, but I made it on the third try. I pressed fire to see if I could shoot a missile, but I can't. I guess I'm remembering wrong. Which would happen after not playing your own game for about 10 years. I still have all the games I made. It's been a while. I made GoSub for the Atari 2600 back in 2006, which was my first game I ever released for anything. It's been a long, fun road up to this point. And in a few days, I'll be turning 39 for the first time. Almost half my life is over with! So sad. Oh well, time to get back to work, I guess... ;)


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