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Mr. Germ!



Introducing Mr. Germ.


The world's oldest raisin has been living in luxury, spending its days laying on a pillow while having its picture taken by raisin enthusiasts. But that all changed once it was raisinnapped. Once he enters the raisin's room, Stupidman discovers a clue about who might have done such a heinous thing. He talks to the janitor, and the janitor says something about Mr. Germ doing this.


Mr. Germ is Stupidman's long time nemesis. He is a germ. He was introduced in 1995, when I first drew him. Of course, you can't draw a germ. So I just drew speech balloons pointing to the floor. To indicate to myself whenever I plan to go back and read my comics I made a million years ago that Mr. Germ is a germ.


Not only is Mr. Germ a germ, he's an evil germ. The type of germ that wants to go around doing evil things because he knows that the town's superhero is dumber than a sack of bricks. But Stupidman usually defeats Mr. Germ anyway. I have a plan for an ending once Stupidman gets to Mr. Germ's hideout.

Stupidman gets to Mr. Germ's hideout. While there, he needs to go to the bathroom. When he's done, Stupidman washes his hands, exits the bathroom carrying the soap, drops the soap, trips on it, and the bar of soap slides straight into Mr. Germ.

I don't know how I'll do all that, though. I'll find a way (if I have enough room for an ending.) I'm really challenging myself here. I wish I knew how much room I have left.


So here's what I need to do:

  • Act III: Stupidman drives to Mr. Germ's hideout
  • Act IV: The boss fight with Mr. Germ
  • The ending.


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