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Nosehair and knee



So I decided to make Nosehair for the Odyssey 2 harder. When I was done, I played a little bit of it. If it got better and people like it more, one of the things I need to do is add a game over screen. That should be in the other bank, the one where the main game isn't kept. I tried putting the routine to check the high score in the bank where the in-game is in, but no dice. I got 152 points on the first try and 153 on the second.


I thought today my knee would be worse, but instead it got better. Not fully healed yet, it still hurts sometimes (especially when walking) and there's still a huge icky scab on it (like that's going to disappear that quickly. I'll be lucky if it starts healing itself by Xmas.) But I really need to go to the store because I am running out of food. Right now it's 39 degrees at about 6:15 a.m., so it's definitely warmer than it was yesterday. And unless the temperature drops significantly in a few hours, I should be able to get inside the store without falling.


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