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Building a better nose (part 2)



I decided that having it wasn't very "realistic" having the nosehair come out and then go behind the edge of the nostril. So I needed to find a different nostril type. I played around with some different characters, cutting some off at the tops like you can. I found this combination:


Which I think I'll stick with. I really like this nostril shape. Some more fine-tuning included having the snot's beginning y position be lower so it starts at the base of the nostril instead of above it. So that's what I've been doing this morning (after my 13 hours of sleep. I went to bed at 7 p.m. and woke up at 8 a.m.) My knee still hurts when I walk sometimes. But I think it's getting better. Not looking better though, as it is still looking scraped up.


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