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black and white burgers



With Nosehair potentially finished, I decided to begin work on a new game. I could have just continued work on Stupidman (NES), but I didn't feel like it. My target now is making a new Game Boy game. I originally wanted to make Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland for the Game Boy, but I didn't know how to make a banked GB rom. Now that I do, I decided to do this. It will not scroll, same as the NES version. GB scrolling and displaying text seems to be too hard for me to do. I got the background to scroll, but the text scrolled too. And I can't figure out an option to not have it do that. So it will be like this.


I wanted to have a picture of a giant burger here, but it took up too many tiles. So I just left it like this. I do have a title jingle playing, but I doubt I'll make background music for every level, as I fear it may distract from the actual process of shooting milkshakes.


A picture of level 1 so far. I don't like programming the Game Boy as much because you only get 4 colors to work with (Game Gear gives you 16 for the sprites and another 16 for the background. And they're actually colors.) I don't like the fact that the lettuce blends in with the sky. I figured out how to make the "PAUSED" message disappear. To do this, I can't put any detailed graphics where I want it (on the top row), only the background color. I don't think I'll make any background a dark gray color. That would blend in with the bun and be ugly and dumb.


So I'm able to put backgrounds in a second bank and call them from the first one. What I don't get is the bank sizes. The default one is 32k. It seems like the next size up is 64k, but it has 4 banks instead of just 2. Am I wrong? I just pad the other banks the same as the second bank.




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