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black and white burgers (part 3)



Got up and worked on this some more. Found out something I didn't know and could use. And I have a message. If you're a programming whiz, please be nice, kind and courteous to newbs who ask you questions that you may think are stupid. After all, if they didn't know it, why ask it?

Anyway, the milkshakes are in the game, complete with onion rings.


I also added a "game over" message, so it's in the "technically a game" stage, meaning you can score points and die and do all the stuff that a game can do. But I plan to add some more stuff in the game. Tomorrow I will attempt sound effects. I'd do it today but I don't feel like it. There are little songs I stole from Save the Puppies in this game. I think this game is better. Or at least I want this game to be better. Well, as good as a Game Boy game can get.


One of the things I want to do is add more backgrounds. This is why I wanted a separate bank: To store all the background data in. Ten scrolling backgrounds would be a lot of data. I learned that the Game Boy can store up to 256 pixel-width picture and scroll it, which is quite impressive since the Game Boy's screen isn't all that wide. But MAN I wish it had color. Or at least more shades of gray. Because three isn't very many. I wonder how Nintendo actually managed to make such a weak system sell so good. Tetris? Super Mario Land 2? Zelda? I don't know.


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