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black and white burgers (part 5)



Now you can download the game. It is a DEMO rom. Because I'm still working on it. You can download the game on its official website. I made a change to the clouds. They now look like this:


All I need to do now in order to finish level 1 is add in the chicken nugget. If you touch the chicken nugget, you get an extra life. But I will make a change to the way they appear. In this version, a chicken nugget AND an enemy will appear at the same time. And the chicken nugget will only appear if you have less than 3 lives. I'm finding this game to be harder than the other versions. If you thought they were too easy, then play this one.


I will add in the chicken nugget tomorrow. I have been working way too hard on this this morning. I guess you can say I have been getting the DEMO rom ready for consumption. So here's what I have to do left:

  • add in chicken nugget
  • think up of nine more backgrounds

I know the Game Boy can handle another sprite, but can my code? I've been having off and on issues with the scrolling displaying white lines at the edge of the clouds. Right now it's off, and I hope them to remain off after I put the nuggets in the game. Otherwise, they won't appear in the game at all. Because I want to release this game somehow. I was hoping to pay Uncle Tusk for making some cardboard boxes, but his website appears to be gone. He released the Virtual Boy version for me.


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