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black and white burgers (part 6)



My curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to see whether adding in the chicken nugget would break the game in any way. So I programmed in the chicken nugget. And the game still works great. I took a video of it, but it looked pretty awful using just 30 fps, so I tried to find a screen recording software that would go 60 fps. I found one, I played it for a couple more minutes and the game works great.

I still have the original picture that came on my desktop on my computer over five years later. I never felt the need to change it, so I didn't. So NOW I will take a few days off and come back to it after Christmas. I still have the sticker that came on my Compaq monitor and I don't even know how old that is. I am bored, and I haven't been feeling all that great lately.


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