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black and white burgers (part 7)



So I wanted to see if I could maintain the game's workingness with one less "wait_vbl_done()", a C Game Boy's equivalent of bB's "drawscreen". I was having two in there, which made the game play at its current speed. So I took one out, slowed down everything, and it works fine. No major problems. No weird white lines or anything. Not only that, you get a much smoother movement from the burgers and all the other sprites. But the scrolling goes faster. But that's okay because I added the enemies going up and down sometimes and the chicken nugget is in the game as well. So I'll come back to this after Christmas. In the mean time, I'll try to think of some places to have the action be (the background).


My leg hurts. I just got home after seeing my dad for Christmas. He is in an assisted living care place. I had to get my temperature taken. It was 98.4. So I don't have Covid. I don't know how we got to get to a Howard Hughes-like society, but I don't like it. Everyone fearing the same germs we all lived with before. It's sad.


So now I get to think about what I can do with the Burgers GB game. Play it some more, play it on Super Game Boy. Play video games. I should more often instead of just working on making them.

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