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black and white burgers (part 8)



I was playing this and noticed if you shot the enemy while the onion ring is going, the onion ring disappears. So I spent some time with the game and I made that not happen. I also started work on a second level.


Burger in space. I had to change the colors of the milkshake because the glass was black. I don't know if I could just change one sprite's palette or not, so I just made another shake sprite since it is only 16 x 8.


I went to the grocery store this morning. It was a mad house. I spent more time in line than I did shopping. It was only 8:45 when I got there and the parking lot was full of people. But I should hopefully be good for the snow they're threatening us with the day after Christmas. The weather people go crazy over an inch of snow, which is a.) probably what we're going to get, b.) more than what we usually get, and c.) lows will be in the teens some nights, which doesn't happen very often here. There were tons of ants attracted to my toilet yesterday. I have no idea what they were after. There's no food in the bathroom.


Well, anyway, I want to take this time to wish all you blog readers a merry whatever. I know Hannukah is over, so if you're Jewish I hope it was good. I for one celebrate the solstice, and that's gone, but the rest of our family celebrates Christmas. I mean, why celebrate a god that hates you? But I can't get into religion here, which is too bad.


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