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black and white burgers (part 10)



All I wanted was a dusting of fresh snow. I went to sleep. I woke up at about 7:30 this morning and saw that it had snowed at least 2 inches while I was sleeping. And it snowed more. I hope the power doesn't go out. If I mysteriously disappear for a week, it's because my power went out. It's 33 right now, but it's supposed to get like 10 degrees lower tonight.


I made a new snowy level for Hamburgers. I also made it so instead of shooting 20 shakes to advance, it's now 50. I also am working on making the nuggets appear less often the more into the game you get. This is a burger out in the snow.


There are igloos and snow-covered trees. I tried my best to make some snow-covered evergreen trees. I think they came out rather nice.


I feel something stuck in my throat. I tried to barf it out but it wouldn't move out. I don't know what to do about it. I wish it would stop snowing, but apparently god wants our power to go out really bad.


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