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black and white burgers (part 12)



Day 3 of snowmageddon here. At least it melted somewhat and the roads are safe to travel during the day, but not at night because it gets into the low 20s. There are still about 2-3 inches of snow left on the stuff outside.


I went to sleep at 11 p.m. last night and woke up at about 1 p.m. I listened to what I had done with the burgers game over song, thought it complete rubbish, and started over again. This time I think I did it better. I don't think I'll work any more on this until the snow passes. I don't want to be working feverishly on the keyboard and suddenly have the power go out. That would stink.


I guess I discovered why I have insomnia: I try to go to sleep too early. I had to take a melatonin gummy to get me to sleep the past few nights. So today I might try staying up later and see if I can get to sleep any faster later. Those gummies are powerful though. You'll notice I slept a good 14 hours.


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