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black and white burgers (part 13)



Day 4 of snowmageddon. Fortunately, it didn't get as cold as they thought it would. It's 34 and 1 p.m. right now. The sun has come out and has done a pretty good job of melting the snow. There is only about an inch left for it to melt away. The roads are navigable and have hardly any snow on them. I went to sleep at about 11 p.m. and woke up at 4 a.m. Decided to have a midnight snack and then I went back to bed and got up at about 10 a.m.


I worked on adding level 4 to the burgers game. It's in the desert.


I added some cacti and a sandy ground and some mesas in the background, like in the old Roadrunner cartoons. There were clouds up in the sky but then I thought "Do deserts even have clouds?" I figured not so I got rid of them. So now with level 4 in the game, the next time I'll work on this I'll add some new logic for level 5 because that's the level when the milkshakes start shooting out nachos. Instead of being propelled forwards, the nachos will be shot downwards. Originally it was going to be a potato chip, and I tried making it look different than the chicken nugget. But then I thought "Nachos are triangular, that would definitely be distinguishable from a nugget." So it's a nacho.


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