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black and white burgers (part 14)



Today I changed the title screen.


Originally it was just going to be the title of the screen. But then I got to thinking, "How will people know when it was made? And who made it?" So I put in a copyright date and my name. My grandmother always said "You should always date stuff you make. That way you'll know when you made it." And I've been doing so ever since. Well, when I can (when it comes to video games).

I found an old "magazine" I made about the NES and SNES. It was dated. It was December 27, 1992. I didn't have a Game Boy at the time. That came later.


So I centered it as best I could and put it in there. So I hope to finish this next year sometime. Obvious, since there's only 1.5 days left of 2021. Looked out the window just now. It's trying to snow, but since it's 42 degrees outside, it'd be kind of hard to stick. We have a few more days of subfreezing temperatures, then it's back to rain and being above freezing all the time.


I'm wondering whether or not I should put little 8x8 burgers in the background of the title screen. Since I can't draw, and it took a long time for me to realize I am going to have to draw a burger instead of use a picture of one for the title screen, I'd imagine people would say "What are those tiny things?" So I guess I'll leave it as it is now.

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