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black and white burgers (part 15)



I learned something I can't do with this game. Apparently I can't have scrolling backgrounds consisting of a ton of light gray. Level 1 is apparently good enough because it contains a lot of white. While designing level 5, though, I put in a bunch of light gray and the game displayed tiny graphical glitches pertaining to scrolling, but they went away when I added some more white to it. Thus, I spent the whole night last night devoted to getting the game just right and getting rid of the sound it makes when you start a new game after you get a game over screen.


Level 5 is supposed to be under water. But with the wavy stripes, it's less easier to tell that. But I had to do something because the game was glitching. So anyway, I also changed the nugget getting sound. It's constant now. I found that before it wasn't. It changed how it sounded under certain unknown conditions. But I think I got it sounding the same all the time, even when you fire and get the nugget at the same time (they share the same channel, so I just blocked the fry shooting sound until the nugget sound was completed, and then it would switch back to the fry sound if needed.) But another weird thing is that level 2, which has a mostly black background, did not glitch.


It was 4:30 a.m. when I finished. I went to sleep and woke up at about 11:30 a.m. I devoured a hamburger and then went back to sleep and got up at about 6 p.m. So I think I will be able to stay up until midnight. I remember when I was a kid calling my grandparents every hour from 9 to midnight on New Year's Eve. Now I'll be up at mdnight since I woke up at 6 p.m. The cold weather is still sticking around at night. Most of the snow is gone, but it's below freezing right now. Happy new year!


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