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red meat



I got really bored. I was fooling around with Odyssey 2 programming. I decided to see what an Odyssey 2 version of Defender would look like if you replaced the ship with a hamburger. For lack of space (and to make the game harder, and I don't know how I'd program such a thing), I probably won't put in the radar screen if I decide to make this an actual game. Right now all you can do is move the burger around and fire off a French fry with the Action button.


Why Defender? I already have a game released where you move a spaceship and shoot at enemies (ZipZap). So I figured if I added some people on the screen to save that would add a new element. Or something. I don't know. I don't know where this will lead to. It may be a game, or just remain an electronic doodle.


I get bored, so I do stuff like this. I could work on the Game Boy game I've been making. I don't feel very good.


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