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2600 land



So I went back to the Atari 2600. After all, my user name is "Atari2600land." I've been thinking of changing it. Anyway, I went through my computer and found some Atari 2600 files. I thougtht my computer was dead last night because it wasn't reacting to my button presses and it said it needed to restart. So I made it restart and it froze. So I turned my computer off even though it told me not to. I turned it back on and it froze some more. Until it didn't and decided it felt like working again. But when I started it up, it didn't update. So I had to restart it again so it could install the stupid update. And then I went to bed and woke up at about 7 a.m.


So I'm playing Castle of Doom when it occured to me that I haven't seen neotokeon in a long time. I found a bug in Castle of Doom. I think I fixed it because I played it through the whole 60 levels (got a score of 132 tries), and didn't see it. This game is kind of like the Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle GB series, only the rooms are one screen long. And there are no carrots to collect because you're spending the whole time avoiding bats and sharp daggers going up and down. So it's not at all like the 2600 homebrew "Escape From the Castle", judging from the screenshots in the store.


I need someone to talk to because my mom is being a jerk again with her depression. It makes ME want to die. So I just go to my room most of the time and be on my computer and draw stuff. I went to eBay to look at $60-$70 Atari 2600 games. With 348 games, it's kind of hard to get a game that I don't already have. I don't want Shuttle Orbiter because I don't want to pilot a rocket.


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