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Act 3 almost done



I woke up at 7 a.m. I didn't want to, but I went into the kitchen, took my pills, had breakfast...and went back to sleep. Woke up at 11 a.m., and I feel like I could sleep all night and all day. But I got up and worked on Stupidman some more. I finished the rest of the code for Act 3 of Stupidman. When Stupidman is done facing 30 chickens, the Stupidmobile zooms off into the horizon. It goes a little too fast up the road when it does so, but I don't know if I could fix it and make it look better at the same time.


Now all I need to do in order to finish Act 3 is compose some music for it, which I will do tomorrow because I am done fighting with computers today. I guess I should test what I have on a real NES. I don't remember testing Act 2 on it.


Here's the rest of the plot:

Act 4: Stupidman goes into the grocery store. He needs to find some soap to kill Mr. Germ with.

Act 5: The big Mr. Germ fight. As it turns out, Mr. Germ lives in a dirty old house right next to the grocery store. Kind of convenient for Mr. Germ, and our story.


One of the big issues I am facing with this game is that I don't know how much room I have left. I need to limit myself to 40KB because mapping seems too complex for me to understand. With that, I might as well take on a challenge of seeing if I CAN make it be 40KB. And use only 256 different tiles. That is why the graphics are so sparse in this game: I only have 256 different tiles to use for the whole game.




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