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Rafael told me that Goshzilla wasn't looking very good. I agreed with him. He told me about me once saying I would like to put Astrosmash on the Odyssey². I figured I could at least give it a try. If I finish it, it would most likely be released next year. I was trying to think up a name for this. I figured Cosmo=Astro and Crash=Smash. Plus, it gives it alliteration. I had no idea Astrosmash had an exclamation point at the end of it. Here's what I have so far:


Not very much since I just started it yesterday. I went to sleep at about 2 p.m. for a nap, and when I woke up, it was almost 7:30! I slept the whole day. It has the custom noise code in so you'll hear some sounds not usually in Odyssey² games. As in the new Cedar Games intro and a few other newer games I made. So I'm going to take a little bit of a break from Odyssey² programming all the time and come back to this later. Since I mentioned in a previous blog I had made or been working on 6 games in the last few months. This would be #7.


I don't know, I have time to burn and I might as well do this since I have nothing else better to do. It gives me a sort of purpose in life. I don't have much of a purpose if I sit around watching TV and eating potato chips all the time (well, I guess the potato chip companies would love me).


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