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Quiz Wiz Qrap



So I got in the mood to write some more questions for my Quiz Wiz cartridge I'm making. Actually, I was in the mood once before recently, but I didn't have the answer key. So I went searching for it. I found the answer key. Major milestone hit: I am now up to 301 questions. I need 1,001. I'm about 3/10 of the way done. It took me a year to do that. Hopefully I'll remember better so I can actually finish the darn thing. I think I found a cure for boredom now.


What I'm doing is matching the answers of cartridge #1. I have about 5 extras. I am going to put my own label on them and I'm making a book with the questions I've been writing. It's 12 pages so far. Since I'm about a third of the way in, I figure the book will be about 40 pages long.


I finally got around to buying cartridge #49. It's about African Amercian history. I don't know how they came up with 1,001 questions' worth of that subject. I don't know how they came up with 1,001 questions' worth of ANY subject. That's why my cartridge I'm making is all sorts of subjects. It's called "Lovely Trivia." I suppose if you have a team of writers instead of just one it would be easier. My answer key goes up to answer #346. That's when I stopped for then. Since I'm on question #302 I guess I'll have to find out some more answers pretty quickly.


I am supposed to be asleep now, but I am not because I'm not sleepy yet. I found an ant on my toilet seat. I hate ants. They are stupid and don't serve any purpose.


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