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Cosmocrash - 2 characters



I don't know why it took so long. But multiple attempts later, I did it: I put in a second character. I will change it to black when it's all done, but for now it's yellow because I've been testing its behavior. It seems to be behaving rather well now that I got it in (third day's the charm, I guess... :| )


I was still bored. I came back to it. I decided to work on the "spinners", those white hurricane-symbols from AstroSmash. I decided to try to put those in the game. It only took 45 minutes, but I think I have the spinners in the game as well. But I want them to look a little different. So instead of hurricane-symbol-like sprites, they are now spinning + signs. And they still spin, which is good because they're called spinners.


So as it stands now, if you shoot a meteor, you get 1 point. If you shoot a spinner, you get 2. The next thing I want to do is make it so the game subtracts points when a meteor lands and subtract lives if a spinner lands. Right now, everything that falls to the ground subtracts lives. I did it that way to test stuff falling to the ground. Now I know that I can have stuff fall to the ground, I need to change that. But not right away, unless I get really bored. That, and I think it will be really challenging, seeing as how I'll probably need to put in extra code about what to do if the score reaches 0. Hmm. Perhaps I could put a negative sign next to the score and have scores below 0.


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