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The phlebotomist's nightmare



I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I go every six months. I get a blood test every year. So half my visits are good and half are evil. Tomorrow is one of the evil visits. I am a nightmare. I have no visible veins in my arm, so they have to take it out of my hand. I don't know why they have to do it, every test comes back fine.


Day two of my break from coding and I already have an idea of something I will do when I resume. I didn't do any coding, just picture drawing. These are realistic mock-ups. I figure if I can do something like Save the Puppies, I could do something like this.


It's a version of GoSub for the Game Boy. With more than one octopus! I can have eight octopi on the screen with no flicker (ten total, including a submarine and the treasure.) I probably won't have eight of them, but other stuff like extra lives, keys, and portals. I have room for a level counter and an attempts counter (labelled "lives") here. This SHOULD be fairly easy to do, since I've done GoSub for so many consoles already. We shall see come April.


With this break I find myself more bored than usual. Perhaps I should play some games I like. I spend half my day sleeping, so I am trying to make more awake hours. Especially since I can't eat anything for twelve hours before my blood test. My appointment is at 10:15 a.m. So I figure if I eat a whole bunch today, I won't be as hungry when I wake up tomorrow morning. Which is hard because there's almost no food in the house and we need to go to the grocery store on Thursday.


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