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Art imitates life.



So I was stuck for ideas. I had 5 comics on my page and I needed a sixth. I got to thinking, well, I'm not feeling very good. You know that old saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Well, what happens when life hands you limes instead?


I must have sat there for at least five minutes, trying desperately to draw as many limes as I could without boring myself silly. And I knew that coloring a thing like this would be a chore, so I just picked two colors for the limes.

Even though I've been trying to use more colors in my comics. This one, for example, has a total of 12 colors. But sometimes, there's just not a use for a whole bunch of different colors. I think the lowest amount of colors I've used is around 6 or so. This becomes a problem when you have a comic set outdoors. And the sky is blue and takes up half the square. Sure you can draw clouds, but that only gives you a couple more colors. Oh well. At least this is the biggest worry I have in life.

I just discovered the site's dark theme, and I like it a lot. It wasn't that the theme was too bright though, my eyes don't care if I look at a completely white screen.

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