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"It's 20 years from now. The vegetarians have finally won the war between vegetarians and meat-eating people. The vegetarians have already been saved and got off Earth, leaving the poor meat-eating people behind. There is a flying hamburger hearing about the news on Earth and decided to help. He learned the awful truth: The vegetarians are going to blow up the Earth, and with it the meat-eaters! When the vegetarians learned of the hamburger, they had one choice: Go back to Earth's skies and get rid of the burger. Not only to be rid of the burger, but also as a message to others who may attempt to save the rest of people: Don't mess with vegetarians!"


OK. Now this is mainly an exercise of me keeping my Odyssey 2 coding skills sharp. I made a website for the game where you can download the game and follow its progress. I will test each version I post online on a real Odyssey 2 to make sure it works. I finally got the man in. He appears at a random set time between 0-15 seconds, which I can change easily without fear of code breaking. I had before I set between 0-3 seconds, but I thought that was too often, so I set out to change it. I eventually got it working. Note that you can't save the man quite yet.


What I have planned is if the burger touches the man, you get 100 points. But if the vegetarians get him, you lose 100 points! It's either that or make the game end. I don't know which to do. This is no longer a nudist colony. I used the final sprite I had to put clothes on the man. He is still barefoot though. In case you're wondering why I make games with evil vegetarians in it. I don't think they're evil. I just wonder what the difference is between killing a plant and eating it and killing a cow and eating it is.




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