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Save those guys!



I had to work all night on it, but finally, at around 4:30a.m., I had done it: I put in the ability to save the guy. I have no idea what took so long. I was working on it most of the day yesterday and into last night. As a result, I just woke up about 40 minutes ago at noon. I tested most of my results on a real Odyssey 2, but they kept not working once I pressed fire to start. They just gave me a black screen. It was so frustrating since they worked fine in O2EM.


I also changed the sounds. This was the biggest change, and I think it broke the game. I was having trouble with the sounds sometimes not shutting off, resulting in a long sound playing until another sound shut it off. So I tried a few things and what finally worked was shortening the sounds. I played the game on a real Odyssey 2 for about 7 minutes and not once did it do that.


If you get the guy, it adds 100 points. If the enemy gets the guy before you do, you lose 100 points. If you have less than 100 points, it drops you to 0. What is next is changing the settings so that the enemy doesn't fire as much in the beginning. I already have code in to make the firing increase as the game is being played.


I also have to do something about the factt that it takes an extra long time for a guy to show up for some reason. It should appear within a few seconds but sometimes it doesn't. What is hindering my testing is the fact I suck at my own game. I can't play video games very well. I have really poor timing. Which is odd because I used to play video games as a kid just fine. But I won't work on the game today because I am sick of it. Especially from last night.


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