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I am bored.



I finally got the Burgerama stuff I wanted completed. So now I'm back to being bored again. I've been working on stuff nobody will ever hear. I wonder if I should get a soundcloud account and post my music I make on it. I don't know how that would work. Some of my music is good and some of it is well, weird. One weird work in particular I forgot about and last updated in November is "Wisteria Worms." Most of my musical stuff is MIDIs and me singing into a cheap audio recorder and then putting them together to make it seem like I am singing to the music. I let the MIDI run, sing, and then go into Audacity and let the MIDI run again to record the MIDI and then sync my singing with it.


The problem is I have so many projects, so I'm bouncing around between them, and some get lost. I guess if you want to listen to stuff, I could burn it to a CD and send it out. With "Wisteria Worms" I was also making a booklet with the lyrics with it. I found this website that converts MIDIs to MP3s. It's still up. And I still use it sometimes. I don't know if people still listen to CDs or not. I know they still make blank ones.


It's just stuff I do while I wait to die. I figure I have about 40 years left of living, which seems like a long time since I don't remember anything from 30 years ago or longer. But who knows, I could die in my sleep tonight. At least my body decided not to choke on those dumb pills any more. I tried to take one and I didn't choke on it. So now I've been taking two a day. I'm supposed to do 3, but I don't want to. I don't even know why. They don't really help. I still get angry, especially when I'm working on an Odyssey² project and it decides to be a dumb idiot and not cooperate with me any more.


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