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My computer is driving me crazy



Why would the BGB emulator for Game Boy be so screwed up? First I checked my latest file and it was all screwed up. Then after working on it with basically the same code, compiled it again. This time it wasn't all screwed up and was working fine. I don't get it. Is my computer trying to make me insane? It took a few more hours to get this:


But I have no idea if it's okay or not because my stupid computer is trying to make me crazy.

I kept clicking on "reset the game boy" the first time, and it got all sorts of weird results: Frank being white, the game freezing being all white. Now I get okay results every time I click "reset the game boy" and go in a few screens. Perhaps I should just quit with the coding and instead think of stuff for Frank to do other than what I have in level 1.


Another thing that's dumb is the compiling time for the thing. It takes anywhere from 90 seconds to 2 minutes to compile it. Each time. And I don't know why, either. I'm not including c files in my c file so that can't be it. It's just insane.


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