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Yesterday I did it. I went to the grocery store. The day before that (Sunday), I ordered a pizza. I thought a "Cheeseburger pizza" would have, you know, a lot of meat on it. They skimped on the meat and instead put way too much cheese on it. Won't be ordering that type any more.


I went to the grocery store. It was pouring down rain. I hate getting wet. It was hard putting all the groceries in the trunk while it was pouring down rain. Before I went to bed (and after my trip to the grocery store), I thought perhaps I should try what was hindering my music problems in Nosehair for the Atari 2600. I had to go to sleep with a broken game. I woke up a couple of hours ago and continued work on it.


The problem was sometimes (but not all the time) when the select switch was depressed, the screen jumped a scanline or so. I tried and tried and tried again. I think I got it working correctly now. I had to type, then bend down and get the SD card out of the Harmony, then bend down again to put it back in and play it again. Since I did it so often, I'm calling it my exercise for the day.


Yesterday I choked on my pills, and today I didn't. I am trying a new method of taking those pills. Before I swallow it, I'm trying really hard to get it as wet as possible so it will slide down my throat easy when I do swallow it. It worked today.


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