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Pokemon Mini



Last time I worked on anything Pokemon Mini-related was back in May 2021. So I decided it would benefit me if I just coded something, anything, just in case I needed to code anything for it. So I went back to work on a project I had going and stopped for some reason.


I think I know the reason. It was buggy. But I think I fixed the bugs and have it going good, at least on the emulator. Before that, I tried to add in a score. I ran into a snag because it wasn't working and the screen was acting up. I think the reason for that was because I was using advanced stuff I didn't understand to put in a 50% gray color. So I put the code that was supposed to be displaying the score without messing the whole screen up into the gray code part. It works!


The one major bug I had to deal with was the milkshake disappearing randomly upon moving the burger. A couple of minor tweaks later and I think I have it so it doesn't disappear suddenly. But, I fear the game isn't very interesting. I need to put in something else. I think next I'll add lives (or a way to die), and then after that, add more enemies. I hadn't turned my Pokemon Mini on in a looong time. Turned it on. Still works fine. Gave me the "insert a cart"-type message.


But one thing we've had to be dealing with here is ants. Apparently they woke up from their winter slumber and invaded our house again. I really wish mom would let the terminix people come into our house and stop them, but she refuses because she doesn't want icky chemicals in the kitchen and some business about the chemicals hurting our dog. I doubt they would, but oh well. I guess I'll just have to live with ants. This is the reason why I never, NEVER eat in my room: Ants. Yet she pays them for a quarterly spraying around the perimeter of the house. And that doesn't appear to be working at all. I hate ants. They serve no purpose. They don't do anything to change the existance of anything here. The only thing different in a world with no ants is that people would be happier.


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