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Burgers To Go



I thought to myself what can I do to make this an entertaining game AND use most of the power and size of a cartridge of the Pokemon Mini. I came up with these ideas:

  • learn how to scroll (if possible. I know Pokemon Race is similar to Super Mario Land in that it's side scrolling. I don't know if I can figure out how to do that)
  • make more than one level.
  • make more than one enemy.
  • make enemy shoot sometimes.

Since I want to have more than one level, I decided on a name change for the game. It is no longer "Hamburger In Space" (although before I made this list, I thought of the cute name "Spaceburger.") It is now Burgers To Go. I doubt I could fit the name "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland" on such a tiny screen and make it look better than just a bunch of text plopped right down on it.


There is some gray in the game. If you look closely, you'll see a gray stripe in the middle of the word "BURGERS." I put this onto a real Pokemon Mini using my Ditto flashcart. It didn't want to work. I tried a couple of times. Nothing. I put another game in. It worked fine, but my flashcart didn't. So I tried flashing it again. It worked the second time. The gray is lighter on a real Pokemon Mini, so the screen looks more like this:


By the way, the screenshots are real-sized. They're the same size as a Pokemon Mini screen. There's a reason they call it "Pokemon Mini."

I'd like to have the following levels:

  • space (in progress)
  • clouds
  • underwater

I'll think of even more if I can get scrolling done. The clouds level will be cloud sprites put on a white background, and the underwater level I'd like a gray background with some white waves and fish swimming around. I noticed that all the commercial games have a size of 512MB, so I do want to make a game that big. Frank the Fruit Fly ended up being 228MB, despite all the different backgrounds and different movement patterns I put into it. But if such simple games like Tetris can be 512MB, I figure that a game like this should be as well. But it probably won't.


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