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Burgers To Go - March 8, 2022



My eye hurt yesterday. Only thing I can do is lay down and sleep when I get my eye aches. The only thing that will help. So I did. I think perhaps either I worked too hard on programming or it was just a migraine. Either way, after I woke up it was about midnight. I woke up and had some popcorn since I was hungry because I was sick from my eyeache. Then I went back to sleep since it was midnight and nothing was on.


I woke up at around 7 or 8 and began working on it again. I was working on it and noticed my collision-checking code was checking collisions all the time when everything moved every 64 ticks of a timer. I had to slow things down a LOT since it was hyper uncontrollably fast. So I moved the collision-checking code to the part of the code that controls sprite movement every 64 ticks. Apparently that worked a whole lot better for some reason I don't know.


I did learn that scrolling is off the table. Yesterday I worked feverishly on it but if I were to continue with it, I'd have to change the score digits to sprites instead of background tiles like they are now. I like the way the game looks now, so for now I'll stop the scrolling, I only got the scrolling made vertically.


You can see now that I put a life counter in the game now. I will have a way to make the lives increase. I doubt it will be a chicken nugget like in previous games. I remember that moving gray sprites makes them look yucky if I checkerboard pixels to make them gray. And I am still mulling about the milkshakes shooting off onion rings. Perhaps in later levels. The game looks constrained as it is because of the tiny screen of the Pokemon Mini.


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