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26 squares website



I decided to get up an hour or so. I got up due to the fact that even though there were people remodeling the condo next door and redoing the roof of the condo next door and there is lots of pounding of the walls and roof, I could not get myself to get up. Sometimes when I wake up, I can see the veins inside my eyeballs, but it always goes away after a couple of minutes or so. Is that weird? Well, now that I got up, I decided to work on an official website for the crossword type I introduced yesterday.


The trouble with making crosswords of this type is that certain words keep popping up to use, so I want to avoid using them as much as I can. I won't name words to better maintain the niceness of the crosswords. Also, I want each word to contain at least one vowel. I had one of my words be "HGTV" once. Which is all good and well except for the fact that, say, someone from Britain or Australia would have no idea what I was thinking about. I would like the words from all English speakers to at least guess what I was thinking about.


My plan is to upload a new crossword every Thursday. Why Thursday? Today is Thursday. That is the only reason. There is a 14% chance of what day it is.  I plan to take a short break from "Burgers To Go" to decide what I want to do next with the game. I've got a lot of stuff in, but it's only 16K. It's kind of hard to make a 512K game when all you have done is 16.


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