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An aid for making these things.



So I made a binder. I made a binder to put all my 26 Squares projects in. I accidentally printed off an answer. I looked at the sheet. An idea came to me: Instead of wasting sheets of paper, writing the alphabet dozens of times and crossing off letters, I should just cut out squares with the 26 letters printed on them and only write completed grids down. This way I could know at a glance which letters still need to be incorporated into a certain puzzle.


I made a cover for my binder. Last night I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep when an idea came to me for a word I could use in one of these puzzles. Instead of writing it down and laying it back down, which wasn't an option since I need to get a pad of paper and pen to write ideas down when I'm trying to go to sleep, I instead got up to begin work on a new one. I wasn't so sleepy I could fall asleep right away. And I guess I shouldn't go to sleep so soon. I discovered if I went to sleep at 5 p.m. I had trouble going to sleep. If I waited until like 9 p.m. I had a much better chance. But then I wake up at 11 a.m. I don't know which is worse: Going to sleep at 5 p.m. or waking up at 11 a.m.


So I made the new one. I thought of another nice word for this type of puzzle. I put it in as well since I could. So now I have 5 completed puzzles, They're all in my binder. No answers yet. I discovered I could fit 8 answers on a page, so when I make my 8th one, I will also print out the first of what I hope to be many answer pages. I said I'd make one every week. Well now I don't have to make one for a couple weeks. It's good to have a backlog. The wordplay book I got the idea from sort of insinuated that there was a limited number of ways to do this, but I discovered there should be many, seeing how complex the English language is. The Scrabble Dictionary has 674 pages' worth of 2-to-8 letter words in it.


I doubt anyone cares, but this is the kind of thing I think about doing when I'm extremely bored and have nothing else to do. I hope at least some of my works I've created had an impact on someone. But that's not why I do it, though. So you don't need to get impacted on my things. But it'd be nice if you did anyway. Then I can think I have a purpose in life.

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