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X-box "fun"



So I wanted to see if my X-Box still worked. This required a couple nights' work. I found the X-Box first. Then going through the garage a couple times last night for a half-hour, was unsucessful finding the games. I went to sleep yesterday morning and woke up last night. I went out this morning and found the games. They were with my Wii-U stuff. I don't know who mixed them in with those, but oh well. And as I was getting my games, a tower of containers fell. Luckily the only consoles that could have been impacted were Colecovision and Atari 7800.


I went back in to my room with the X-box and the games, but I couldn't find the tri-color wire thingy. Nor could I find the adapter that made the controller be able to plug into the X-Box. I thought it would be in my room somewhere, but after looking through all the wires in my room, I decided it wasn't in here. So I went back out there and went through a bunch of wires. Finally, ten minutes later, I found the two wires. I unplugged the PSX and thought I could use that to plug in the X-Box with. I hooked up the tri-color wire thingy to the VCR, plugged it in, plugged the controller in and turned it on.


Other than having to set the clock and calendar, everything looked fine. I once again can play my X-Box. I found a box to put the games in, so when I'm done with it and it can go out to the garage again, I'll be sure to put every single dumb wire with it so I don't have to go through what I went through.


I am trying to turn my life around so I can sleep at night and be awake all day. But that's been hard to do since apparently I can only be awake for 10 hours before I get really sleepy and need to sleep. Yes, I know, I should SLEEP LESS than 10 hours, but once I fall asleep, I stay asleep for about 12 hours or so, so I guess I really need 12 hours' worth of sleep. But that means I spend half my life sleeping and that seems sad and wrong somehow. Can someone please tell me why life has to be so HARD?!


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