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Candy cane time



I made a candy cane on the Odyssey 2. It took four characters.

The original goal was to see if I could swap out colors, make it display 2 pixels worth of a J, then not, then two again, then not. I tried various things but it became clear that would not work and not let me.

So what I ended up doing was cutting off the top of a T and adding an X at the top end. The candy cane could face the other way if I changed its X position.

Why did I make a candy cane? I had the candy cane idea stuck in my head for a while and wanted to see if it would work. But it didn't. Lesson learned.


I started out with the little X (used as a multiplication symbol) but that wasn't working, so I switched to the big X and that ended up working.

So now I need an idea using the candy cane. I think I could make something up by the holidays, I have plenty of time, but what I don't know.

A new spot on my upper back hurts when I move my head around. It's lower than the previous one, which is basically my lower neck. This started two days ago. Oh well, I guess it's just part of getting OLD.


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